The Dirt on Mold
Molds are part of the natural environment. Molds are fungi that can be found anywhere -inside or outside -throughout the year. About 1,000 species of mold can be found in the United States, with more than 100,000 known species worldwide. Outdoors, molds play an important role in nature by breaking down organic matter such as toppled trees, fallen leaves, and dead animals.
Molds can grow on virtually any substance, as long as moisture or water, oxygen, and an organic source are present.
Molds are usually not a problem unless mold spores land on a damp spot and begin growing. They digest whatever they land on in order to survive. There are molds that grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods and insulation, while other molds feast on the everyday dust and dirt that gather in the moist regions of a building. When excessive moisture or water accumulates indoors, mold growth often will occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains uncorrected.
Molds can appear in many colors like black mold, yellow mold, brown mold, white mold, green mold, and more and are not always visible.
Mold Testing in Northern Virginia
A mold inspection performed by NoVA Environmental Solutions includes:
- A thorough visual inspection to look for evidence of past or current mold growth and evidence of water damage where hidden mold growth may be found
- Moisture testing using thermal imaging and other moisture testing devices. All building components (floors, walls, ceilings, foundation walls, roofs, etc.) should be tested to determine if there are any moisture problems.
- Measuring levels of temperature and relative humidity. Some molds can thrive in when relative humidity is above 60%.
- Develop a sample strategy and collect samples to evaluate the mold conditions. Most often, mold sampling includes surface sampling, air sampling, and cavity sampling. Other sampling methods may be suggested, and the inspectors should be able to discuss sampling options and the pros and cons for each.
- A detailed and comprehensive report designed to inform you of any mold or moisture issues, the causes of mold growth, and offer unbiased recommendations for your next steps should there be a mold growth issue.
- Full transparency. Although we do our very best to identify all mold and moisture issues when conducting a Mold Inspection, it is important to understand that sometimes, based on the results from an Initial Mold Assessment, additional inspections and sampling may be necessary. Molds are microscopic organisms that can colonize and spread in hidden areas that just simply cannot be identified or located without further examination

Why Hire NoVA for Mold Inspection?
It takes a professional mold inspector who understands the inspection and testing process to determine if mold exists in the structure.
Our mold inspection and testing services are designed to inform you of any mold or moisture issues, the causes of mold growth, and offer our recommendations for your next steps should there be a mold growth and moisture issue. We are completely independent of the mold remediation process so there is no conflict of interest.
Our approach to mold inspections incorporates elements adopted from governmental/professional organizations such as U.S. EPA, IICRC™, ACGIH, AIHA, and other industry leading organizations.